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Dell Says CEO Will Continue to Advise Trump Even After Defense of Racist Rally. President Donald Trump angrily defended the torch bearing racists who stormed the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, this weekend to participate in a white supremacist rally that culminated in the tragic slaying of 3. Free Update, Download SAMSUNG NPNC110 Netbook Windows XP, Win7 Drivers, Software. NForce Professional Driver Version 9. NVIDIA 3D Vision CD v1. SetPoint 4. 80 BT Video, nVidia Geforce 330M N11PGE1 Driver, Multi OS, Multi Language, Winery. F4VEI0nBY/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Audio Driver Dell Inspiron 6400 Windows Xp' title='Audio Driver Dell Inspiron 6400 Windows Xp' />Heather Hayer. His words apparently had little impact on Michael Dell, the CEO of Dell Technologies. The company tells Gizmodo that Trumps press conference changed nothing, and that Dell will continue to advise Trump as a member of the White House manufacturing councileven as Quit. The. Council began trending on Twitter and another of his peers abandoned the president citing personal moral obligations. Tuesday afternoon, Trump said he believed both sides were responsible for the violence in Charlottesville. Speaking without a teleprompter, the presidents tone contrasted sharply with the calm and well received statement he had delivered the day before. Whatever small credit Trump accrued for repudiating the Ku Klux Klan and Nazis was obliterated instantly Tuesday when he labeled as innocent individuals who marched on the University of Virginia grounds bellowing racist chants such as Jews will not replace us. Since the deadly gathering in Charlottesville, where torch wielding neo Nazis faced off againstRead more Read. Dell-Latitude-e6500-500x450.jpg' alt='Driver Dell Inspiron 6400 Windows Xp' title='Driver Dell Inspiron 6400 Windows Xp' />In a statement to Gizmodo on Tuesday, a spokesperson for Dell Technologies said Trumps remarks had no immediate effect on its CEOs decision this week to remain a part of the presidents manufacturing councila group which has seen five high profile departures, including AFL CIO President Richard Trumka who resigned roughly an hour after todays press conference. There is no change to our current statement, Dells spokesperson said, referring to remarks released earlier in the day which said Michael Dell would continue to engage with the Trump administration and governments around the world to share our perspective on policy issues that affect our company, customers and employees. Download Oticon Genie Software on this page. Intel CEO Brian Krzanich announced his departure from the council on Tuesday, writing in a blog that his decision was intended to call attention to the serious harm our divided political climate is causing to critical issues, including the serious need to address the decline of American manufacturing. Die Frau Mit Dem Roten Hut Rar File here. He added Politics and political agendas have sidelined the important mission of rebuilding Americas manufacturing base. Kenneth Frazier, chief executive of the drugmaker Merck, was the first to step down on Monday. As usual, Trump responded with an angry tweet, saying Frazier would now have more time to LOWER RIPOFF DRUG PRICESIn addition to Dell, a long list of industry leaders remain at the presidents side, executives at companies such as General Electric, Johnson Johnson, Caterpillar, and Campbell Soup. The only other company to respond to a request for comment late Tuesday was Harris Corporation, makers of the infamous Stingray device police use to track suspects cellphones. A Harris spokesperson declined to say whether its chairman, William Brown, had any plans to leave the council. Warcraft Iii Hun Patch. If Trumps equivocation of violence in Charlottesvillethe fiery defense of people marching in and alongside hate groups that support ethnic cleansing in Americafails to impress upon companies like Dell that it is now time to resist, it will be hard to imagine what terrible thing the president would have to do or say to ever get that message across.